Sunday, July 1, 2007

Cars in India cost twice as much as in the U.S.A.

I was looking to buy a car in India got a sticker shock on the prices of cars in India. Take for example Toyota Corolla you can buy a good one for $15,000 and the same one in India will cost Rs.10 lakhs ($25,000).

Yes, accepted that the customs and excise duty are higher in India. See our new location for the full post - Cars in India cost twice as much as in the U.S.A.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tips for renting commercial real estate

Many people are hit with the entrepreneurial bug and to start their own business. Here are some tips for leasing an office premises. This is not for retail businesses:

There are great tips in this article - see them at our new location by clicking on this link - Tips for renting commercial real estate